Objective General Knowledge

Q. Which one among the following will be absorbed fastest through the wall of digestive system?
1 DDT taken as a poison
2 Raw alcohol taken as a drink
3 Ice cream as a dessert
4 Black coffee as a hot beverage
Ans: 1
Q. One of the occupational health hazards commonly faced by the workers of ceramics, pottery and glass industry is -
1 silicosis
2 stone formation in gall bladder
3 melanoma
4 stone formation in kidney
Ans: 1
Q. It has been observed that astronauts lose substantial quantity of calcium through urine during space flight. This is due to -
1 microgravity
2 hypergravity
3 intake of dehydrated food tablet
4 low temperature in cosmos
Ans: 1
Q. If we sprinkle common salt on an earthworm, it die due to -
1 osmotic shock
2 respiratory failure
3 toxic effect of salt
4 closure of pores of skin
Ans: 1
Q. Cutting and peeling of onions brings tears to the eyes because of the presence of -
1 Sulphur in the cell
2 Carbon in the cell
3 Fat in the cell
4 Aminoacid in the cell
Ans: 1
Q. The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. The plant is -
1 Neem
2 Eucalyptus
3 Cinnamon
4 Cinchona
Ans: 4
Q. Endosulfon, which has been in news these days, is-
1 a pesticide
2 a fertilizer
3 a sulfa drug
4 an antibiotic
Ans: 1
Q. The cat can survive fall from height much more than human or any other animal. It is because the cat-
1 also gets injury equally with other animal but has tremendous endurance, body resistance and speedy recovery
2 can immediately adjust itself to land on all four paws and bend the legs to absorb the impact of falling
3 has thick and elastic skin
4 has elastic bones
Ans: 1
Q. Development of Goitre (enlarged thyroid gland) is mainly due to deficiency of -
1 Sodium
2 Iodine
3 Calcium
4 Iron
Ans: 2
Q. To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which one among the following symptoms is mostly associated with?
1 Severe persistent headache
2 Long standing jaundice and chronic liver disease
3 Severe anaemia
4 Chronic diarrhoea
Ans: 1
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