Objective Computer Knowledge

Q. The technology that merges computing with high-speed communications
links carrying data, sound, and video is ____ technology.
a. information
b. communications
c. telecommunications
d. internet
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q . One character of data is stored as one ____.
a. byte
b. bit
c. kilobyte
d. gigabyte
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q.Tiny, specialized microprocessors installed in “smart” appliances and
automobiles are called ____.
a. microcomputers
b. microcontrollers
c. servers
d. workstations
e. None of these
Ans (b)
Q A system that connects, usually by special cables, a group of desktop
PCs and other devices such as printers in an office or a building is
called ____.
a. local area network
b. client
c. internet
d. World Wide Web
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q The next generation of smaller, faster computers that will fit into a
single human cell are known as ____.
a. nanocomputers
b. workstations
c. supercomputers
d. teleputers
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q The process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to
the system’s hard disk is called ____.
a. download
b. installation
c. upload
d. configuration
e. None of these
Ans (b)
Q. Technology that consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for
communicating over long distances is known as ____.
a. communications technology
b. information technology
c. internet
d. networking
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q.Which of the following devices allows users to make phone calls as well
as browse the World Wide Web?
a. teleputers
b. cell phones
c. smartphones
d. modems
e. None of these
Ans (c)
Q High-capacity computers with hundreds of thousands of processors that
can perform more than one trillion calculations per second are called ____.
a. desktop computers
b. supercomputers
c. laptops
d. workstations
e. None of these
Ans (b)
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