Objective General Knowledge

Q. Botanically pineapple is a -
1 Pome
2 Baluster
3 Berry
4 Sorosis
Ans: 4
Q. The basic unit of development under the Integrated Rural Development Programme is a -
1 District
2 Family
3 Village
4 Community Development Block
Ans: 3
Q. Ratna is a variety of--
1 Wheat
2 Barley
3 Maize
4 Rice
Ans: 4
Q. Seed rate of American cotton is--
1 20 kg/ha
2 30 kg/ha
3 35 kg/ha
4 12 kg/ha
Ans: 1
Q. Greening of potato results in--
1 Increase in nutritional quality
2 Increase in disease resistance
3 Decrease in disease resistance
4 Decrease in nutritional quality
Ans: 4
Q. Sugarbeet Nematode is -
1 Heterodera avanae
2 Heterodera cajani
3 Heterodera jae
4 Heterodera schacti
Ans: 4
Q. In medium term storage, material can be stored up to -
1 100 years
2 3 to 5 years
3 10 to 15 years
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Q. Which is the saturated fatty acid of the following -
1 Stearic acid
2 Arachidonic acid
3 Oleic acid
4 Linoleic acid
Ans: 1
Q. Iron is an important component of -
1 Siroheme
2 Ferredoxin
3 Cytochromes
4 All of these
Ans: 4
Q. The chemical, which is used for controlling the mites, is known as -
1 Fungicides
2 Mematicides
3 Acaricides
4 Insecticides
Ans: 2
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