Objective Current Affairs

Q. The term used to describe the process by which an outsider, immigrant or subordinate group becomes indistinguishably integrated into the dominant host society, is known as -
1 Acculturation
2 Accommodation
3 Cultural imperialism
4 Adaptation
Ans: 1
Q. Which among the following is/are example /examples of youth unrest in India?
1. Naxalite movement
2. Anti-foreigners movement in Assam
3. Anti-Mandal Commission agitation
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
1 1, 2 and 3
2 2 and 3 only
3 2 only
4 3 only
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. The global economy relied on oil for much of the 20th century as a portable and indispensable fuel.
2. The immense wealth associated with oil generates political struggles to control it.
3. History of petroleum is also the history of war and struggle.
4. Now where is this more obviously the case of war and struggle than in West Asia and Central America.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
1 1, 2, 3 and 4
2 2 and 4 only
3 1 and 3 only
4 1, 2 and 3 only
Ans: 1
Q. A recent survey (by Bloomberg) shows that the USA has fallen behind emerging markets in Brazil, China and India as the preferred to invest. Why is it so?
1. Unstable economic situation of the USA which the global investors feel not likely to improve in the near future.
2. Global investors are finding Brazil, China and India to be actually more amendable to foreign investment
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
1 1 only
2 2 only
3 Both 1 and 2
4 Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: 3
Q. According to National Sample Survey Organisation's survey for 2009-10 presented by Union Labour Ministry in December 2011, the number of working children is India is about
1 50 lakh
2 1 crore
3 80 lakh
4 60 lakh
Ans: 1
Q. When did the formal ceremony "casing of colours" take place marking the withdrawal of the US forces from Iraq?
1 December 2011
2 October 2011
3 November 2011
4 January 2012
Ans: 1
Q. The reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, who died recently, ruled his country for
1 17 years
2 10 years
3 12 years
4 15 years
Ans: 1
Q. Amongst the following countries, which is the first to withdraw from Kyoto Protocol?
1 Canada
2 Cuba
3 Mexico
4 Australia
Ans: 1
Q. A new organisation or body formed by Latin American and Caribbean states called CELAC has
1 33 members
2 25 members
3 28 members
4 31 members
Ans: 1
Q. The concept of carbon credit originated from which one of the following?
1 Kyoto Protocol
2 Earth Summit, Rio de Janerio
3 Montreal Protocol
4 G-8 Summit, Heiligendamm
Ans: 1
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