Objective Computer Knowledge

Q. Which of the following are true about firewalls?
1 Filters network traffic
2 Can be either a hardware or software device
3 Follows a set of rules
4 All the above
Ans: 4
Q. What are some of the benefits of using a firewall for your LAN?
1 Increased access to Instant Messaging
2 Stricter access control to critical resources
3 Greater security to your LAN
4 Both 2 and 3
Ans: 4
Q. Your company receives internet access through a network or a gateway server. Which of the following devices is best suited to protect resources and subnet your LAN directly on the network server?
1 DSL modem
2 A multi-homed firewall
4 A brouter that acts both as a bridge and a router
Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following devices is specially designed to forward packets to specific ports based on the packet's address?
1 Specialty hub
2 Switching hub
3 Port hub
4 Filtering hub
Ans: 2
Q. After booting process which file executes automatically
1 config.sys
2 command.com
3 autoexec.bat
4 io.sys
Ans: 3
Q. A System in which a transaction access and updates a file quickly enough to affect the original decision making is called
1 Real time system
2 time sharing system
3 both of above
4 None of above
Ans: 1
Q. In time sharing system, the user carried a conversation with the central system called
1 interacting computer
2 conversation computing
3 Both of above
4 None of above
Ans: 3
Q. The principle of time sharing is
1 large numbers of users direct access to the computer for problem solving
2 large number of user for file sharing
3 both of above
4 none
Ans: 1
Q. Allocation of a resources in a time dependent fashion to several program simultaneously called
1 multi tasking
2 multi user
3 time sharing
4 None
Ans: 3
Q. Batch processing is also known as
1 serial
2 sequential
3 off line processing
4 all of above
Ans: 4
Nitesh Kumar Singh - Find me on Bloggers.com