Objective Current Affairs

Q. The premier rating agency, "Standard & Poor's", downgraded the US credit ratings from AAA in August 2011, which had been enjoyed by the US since
1 1927
2 1917
3 1910
4 1942
Ans: 2
Q. The Central Government in June 2011 declared the Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary in Andhra Pradesh a tiger reserve. It is
1 42nd tiger reserve
2 32nd tiger reserve
3 34th tiger reserve
4 40th tiger reserve
Ans: 1
Q. The RBI has regional offices at various places. At which of the following places it does not have an office ?
1 Kota
2 Shimla
3 Lucknow
4 Panaji
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following organisations/agencies has given a Us $ 407 billion loan to India to boost up its micro finance services in unbanked areas?
2 World Bank
3 Bank of Japan
Ans: 2
Q. The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) has projected that the Indian Exports will grow by what percentage during 2012-11?
1 15%
2 18%
3 22%
4 24%
Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following organization / agencies has given the estimate that the India will be third largest FDI recipient in 2010-12?
3 World Bank
Ans: 1
Q. The performance of which of the following industries is considered performance of a core industry ?
1 Garments
2 Leather
3 IT
4 Oil and Petroleum
Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is the rank of India in Human Development Report 2010 prepared by the UNO?
1 99
2 100
3 115
4 119
Ans: 4
Q. PIIGS is the group of nations falling under-
1 Euro Zone
2 Asia Pacific
4 Nato
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following is used as a fuel in nuclear power stations in India?
1 Thorium
2 Copper
3 Tin
4 Chromium
Ans: 1
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