Objective Computer Knowledge

Q. Macromedia is a name of a company related with ----
1 Hardware
2 Software
3 Peripherals
4 Services
Ans: 2
Q. CPU speed of a personal computer is-
1 32 KIPS
2 100 KIPS
3 1 MIPS
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Q. IC are classified on the basis of____
1 Manufacturing Company
2 Type of Computer
3 Number of Transistors
4 None of These
Ans: 3
Q. The unit of KIPS is used to measure the speed of________
1 Processor
2 Disk Drive
3 Printer
4 Tape Drive
Ans: 1
Q. Programs stored in ROM are called-
1 Hardware
2 Firmware
3 Software
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Q. MTBF means
1 Mean Time Before Failure
2 Master Time Buffer Feature
3 Most Treated Buffer Time
4 Master Test Board Feature
Ans: 1
Q. MOS stands for
1 Metal Oxide Semiconductor
2 Most Often Store
3 Method Organised Stack
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Q. Which technology is used in a CDROM Drive ?
1 Mechanical
2 Electromechanical
3 Optical
4 Fibre optical
Ans: 3
Q. A compiler is_____________
1 a combination of computer hardware
2 a program which translates from one high level language to another
3 a program which translates from one high level language to a machine level
4 none of these
Ans: 3
Q. ..... is the process finding errors in software code.
1 compiling
2 Assembling
3 Interpreting
4 Debugging
Ans: 4
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