Objective General Knowledge

Q. Which gas is released from paddy fields?
1 CO2
2 H2S
3 CH4
4 NH3
Ans: 3
Q. Which two crops of the following are responsible for almost 75% of pulse production in India?
1 Gram and pigeon pea
2 Gram and moong bean
3 Moong bean and lentil
4 Pigeon pea and moong bean
Ans: 1
Q. Fire curing is followed in -
1 Bidi tobacco
2 Hookah tobacco
3 Cheroot tobacco
4 Chewing type tobacco
Ans: 4
Q. Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil from -
1 Tubers
2 Fruits
3 Stems
4 Roots
Ans: 2
Q. In Jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is -
1 Cotton
2 Wheat
3 Sugarcane
4 Rice
Ans: 4
Q. Neelum is a variety of -
1 Grape
2 Papaya
3 Mango
4 Apple
Ans: 3
Q. The Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices fixes the -
1 Support price
2 Wholesale price
3 Retail price
4 None of these
Ans: 1
Q. Vector of phyllody disease is -
1 Thrips
2 Mite
3 White fly
4 Jassid
Ans: 1
Q. Gynodioecious varieties of papaya produce -
1 Only male plants
2 Female and hermaphrodite
3 Male and hermaphrodite plants
4 Only female plants
Ans: 4
Q. Isolation distance for foundation seed of rice is -
1 30 metre
2 3 metre
3 35 metre
4 50 metre
Ans: 2
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