Objective Current Affairs

Q. Which of the following signed recently a part to fight terrorism?
1 Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan
2 Tajikistan, China, Pakistan and India
3 India, Iran, Pakistan and China
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
Q. The United States recently concluded a major phase of military withdrawal from-
1 Afghanistan
2 Iraq
3 Iran
4 Cuba
Ans: 2
Q. As per the recent report how many UN peacekeeping missions India has taken part in?
1 50
2 42
3 60
4 70
Ans: 2
Q. The World's Number two economy is-
2 Japan
3 China
4 Germany
Ans: 3
Q. Lok Sabha on August 25, 2010 adopted-
1 Educational Tribunal Bill
2 Bill on Whistle Blowers
3 Nuclear Liability Bill
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
Q. Nuclear Submarine Akula has been handed over to India recently by-
1 France
2 Russia
4 Germany
Ans: 2
Q. The Central Government has set up a committee to evolve a comprehensive policy on autonomy for-
1 Central Universities
2 Indian Institutes of Technology
3 The Indian Institutes of Management
4 All of the above
Ans: 4
Q. Which political party has emerged as the richest one in India?
2 Congress
Ans: 2
Q. Recently GoM approved-
1 Religion-based census
2 Caste-based census
3 Sub-caste-based census
4 None of the above
Ans: 2
Q. Recently Asian Development Bank approved loan for National Capital Region worth-
1 $ 150 million
2 $ 200 million
3 $ 100 million
4 $ 300 million
Ans: 1
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