Objective Computer Knowledge

Q. Which of the following Devices have a limitation that we can only read it but can not erase and modify it?
1 Tape Drive
2 Hard Disk
3 Compact Disk
4 Floppy Disk
Ans: 4
Q. Which device can understand difference between Data and programs?
1 Input Device
2 Output Device
3 Memory
4 Microprocessor
Ans: 4
Q. Multiprogamming Systems......
1 Are easier to develop than single Programming systems
2 Execute each job Faster
3 Execute more jobs in the same time period
4 None of these
Ans: 3
Q. The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called-
1 Sequential Access
2 Reduced Instruction set computing
3 Multiprocessing
4 None of these
Ans: 3
Q. Which Device as used as the standard Pointing Device in a Graphical User Environment?
1 Keyboard
2 Mouse
3 Joystick
4 None Of These
Ans: 2
Q. ...... is a procedure that requires users to enter an identification code and a matching password.
1 Paging
2 Logging on
3 Time-Sharing
4 Multitasking
Ans: 2
Q. An example of Telecommunication device is a -
1 Keyboard
2 Mouse
3 Printer
4 Modem
Ans: 4
Q. A character of information is represented by a(n)-
1 Byte
2 Bit
3 Field
4 None of these
Ans: 1
Q. The Process of writing out computer instructions is known as-
1 Assembling
2 Compiling
3 Executing
4 coding
Ans: 1
Q. Memory Unit is one part of-
1 Control Unit
2 Central Processing Unit
3 Output Device
4 Input device
Ans: 2
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