Objective General Knowledge

Q. White colour of soil is due to the presence of -
1 Silica
2 Iron
3 Manganese oxide
4 All of these
Ans: 3
Q. Which of the 'complex fertilizer'?
1 Ammonium sulphate nitrate
2 Single superphosphate
3 Ammonium phosphate
4 Calcium ammonium nitrate
Ans: 3
Q. Drip irrigation is useful in which region?
1 Humid
2 Dry
3 High rainfall
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Q. Among the following crop rotations, which is good for in creasing soil Nutrient status?
1 Rice-Wheat
2 Groundnut-Wheat
3 Pearlmillet-Wheat
4 Sorghum-Wheat
Ans: 2
Q. For waterlogged rice cultivation, the fertilizer that may be avoided is -
1 Sodium nitrate
2 Urea
3 Ammonium chloride
4 None of these
Ans: 4
Q. The ratio between marketable crop yield and water used in evapotranspiration is known as--
1 Field water use efficiency
2 Economic irrigation efficiency
3 Consumptive use efficiency
4 Water use efficiency
Ans: 1
Q. Animal meat is a good source of--
1 Protein
2 Vitamin
4 Chlorophyll
Ans: 1
Q. A healthy adult man should take daily CHO in his diet--
1 400-500 gram
2 700-900 gram
3 100-200 gram
4 None of these
Ans: 1
Q. Sulphur, containing amino acid is -
1 Valine
2 Isolucine
3 Cystine
4 None of these
Ans: 3
Q. Glycolysis occurs only in the--
1 Absence of O2
2 Presence of O2
3 Both (A) and (B)
4 None of these
Ans: 1
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