Objective General Knowledge

Q. One byte consists of
1 four bits
2 one bit
3 ten bit
4 eight bits
Ans: 4
Q. ENIAC was
1 an electronic computer
2 an engine
3 a memory device
4 an electronic calculator
Ans: 1
Q. Imaginary lines joining places with same temperature are called
1 Isohalines
2 Isohyets
3 Isobars
4 Isotherms
Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following is presently the largest oil refinery of India?
1 Mathura (IOC)
2 Visakhapatnam (HPCL)
3 Vadodara
4 Mumbai (BPCL)
Ans: 3
Q. A natural region has the similarity of
1 climate and occupation
2 soil and drainage
3 climate and natural vegetation
4 economic base and races
Ans: 3
Q. Coins made of metal first appeared in
1 Harappan Civilisation
2 Age of the Buddha
3 Age of the Mauryas
4 Later Vedic age
Ans: 4
Q. The contractile proteins in a muscle are
1 Myosin and Troponin
2 Actin and Myosin
3 Actin and Tropomyosin
4 Troponin and Tropomyosin
Ans: 2
Q. Hypertension is the term used for
1 decrease in heart rate
2 decrease in blood pressure
3 increase in blood pressure
4 increase in heart rate
Ans: 3
Q. From the bark of which plant is quinine extracted?
1 Neem
2 Cedar
3 Eucalyptus
4 Cinchona
Ans: 4
Q. When water itself combines chemically with some element or mineral it is called
1 Carbonation
2 Oxidation
3 Desilication
4 Hydration
Ans: 4
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