Objective General Knowledge

Q. What was the capital of ancient Magadha?
1 Rajagriha
2 Girivraja
3 Pataliputra
4 Sravasti
Ans: 1
Q. In which of the following processes of transmission of heat material medium is not required —
1 Radiation
2 Conduction
3 Convection
4 Conduction and convection
Ans: 1
Q. At 4 degree C, volume of a certain mass of water is —
1 Minimum
2 Increased by 1/12th part of its volume at 0° C
3 Maximum
4 Remains same as the volume at 0° C
Ans: 1
Q. Which has the maximum number of atoms?
1 108 g of Ag
2 24 g of C
3 56 g of Fe
4 26 g of AI
Ans: 2
Q. Bile is produced by —
1 Liver
2 Pancreas
3 Salivary gland
4 Stomach
Ans: 1
Q. The festival ‘Bihu’ held in which State?
1 Mizoram
2 Assam
3 Punjab
4 Manipur
Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following Indian Kings excelled in music?
1 Kanishka
2 Samudragupta
3 Harshavardhana
4 Chandragupta Maurya
Ans: 2
Q. The Headquarters of the International Olympic Committee is in —
1 Italy
2 Switzerland
3 Belgium
4 France
Ans: 2
Q. Sania Mirza is a —
1 Human Right Activist
2 Lawn Tennis player
3 Leading film actress
4 Pakistani singer
Ans: 2
Q. India’s largest supplier of crude oil is—
1 Saudi Arab
2 Iran
3 Nigeria
4 Qatar
Ans: 1
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