Objective General Knowledge

Q. Red Delicious is a variety of -
1 Mango
2 Papaya
3 Apple
4 Guava
Ans: 3
Q. The number of essential mineral elements of plant is -
1 16
2 21
3 13
4 20
Ans: 1
Q. Sulphur-coated Urea contains N -
1 21%
2 33%
3 40%
4 26%
Ans: 2
Q. Granite is a .... rock.
1 Metamorphic
2 Igneous
3 Sedimentary
4 None of these
Ans: 3
Q. Chemical formula of pyrite is--
1 FeS
2 CuS
3 MnS
4 FeS2
Ans: 4
Q. Soil fertility is reduced due to -
1 Over irrigation
2 Poor drainage
3 Imbalanced use of fertilizers
4 Continuous cropping
Ans: 3
Q. Anemometer measures -
1 Wind direction
2 Relative humidity
3 Net radiation
4 Wind velocity
Ans: 4
Q. Damping-off disease of vegetable nursery can be controlled by-
1 Solarization
2 Mixing of fungicides in soil
3 Seed treatment
4 All of these
Ans: 4
Q. Whiptail is a disorder of cauliflower due to deficiency of -
1 Zinc
2 Boron
3 Potassium
4 Molybdenum
Ans: 4
Q. The colour of tomato is due to the presence of--
1 Carotene
2 Lycopin
3 Anthocyanin
4 Xanthomonas
Ans: 2
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