Objective Computer Knowledge

Q. Data(information) is stored in computers as ----
1 Files
2 Directories
3 Floppies
4 Matter
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following is not a valid capacity of a floppy disk ?
1 360KB
2 720KB
3 1.24MB
4 1.44MB
Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following device can store large amounts of data?
1 Floppy Disk
2 Hard Disk
4 Zip Disk
Ans: 2
Q. Algorithm and Flow chart help us to---
1 Know the memory Capacity
2 Identify the base of a number system
3 Direct the output to a printer
4 Specify the problem completely and clearly
Ans: 4
Q. Memory unit is one part of----
1 Input device
2 Control unit
3 Output device
4 CPU(Central Processing Unit)
Ans: 4
Q. The contents of information are stored in ---
1 Memory data register
2 Memory address register
3 Memory access register
4 Memory arithmetic register
Ans: 1
Q. MDR(Memory Data Register) holds the ---
1 Segment number
2 Address of a memory location
3 Number of transistors
4 none of these
Ans: 3
Q. Size of the primary memory of a PC ranges between ---
1 2KB to 8KB
2 64KB and 256KB
3 256KB and 640KB
4 none of these
Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following RAM times have to be refreshed often in order to retain its contents ?
Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following statements is/are true ?
1 Cache Memories are bigger than RAM
2 Cache Memories are smaller than RAM
3 ROM are faster than RAM
4 Information in ROM can be written by users
Ans: 2
Nitesh Kumar Singh - Find me on Bloggers.com