Objective Computer Knowledge

Q. When conducting a Spelling and Grammar check, potential spelling errors
are shown in
a. green
b. yellow
c. red
d. blue
e. purple
Ans (c)
Q. Using a user name and password, the ISP will allow the user to connect
or ____.
a. log on
b. download
c. upload
d. log out
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q. What consists of hardware and software and allows voice, video, and data
to be communicated over traditional copper-wire telephone lines?
b. cable modem
c. communications satellite
d. bandwidth
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Q. ISP stands for ____.
a. internet select provider
b. internet service provider
c. internet serial provider
d. internet service pusher
e. None of these
Ans (b)
Q. Which of the following is NOT an example of a download?
a. Saving pictures from the internet to your hard drive.
b. Storing a map for your vacation from the internet to your hard drive.
c. Saving a presentation to a CD.
d. Saving a program from an internet site to your hard drive.
e. None of these
Ans (c)
Q. If you wish to be part of an online discussions on a favorite topic of
interest, you would subscribe to a(n) ____.
a. instant message service
b. listserv
c. spam tracking
d. online group
e. None of these
Ans (b)
Q. Which of the following is NOT a suggested way to deal with spam?
a. Delete without opening.
b. Immediately reply requesting to be removed from the mailing list.
c. Contact the ISP.
d. Check with abuse.net to find where to report offenders.
e. None of these
Ans (b)
Q. A set of communications rules for exchanging information is called a ____.
a. web browser
c. URL
d. protocol
e. None of these
Ans (d)
Q. Gigabits per second are ____.
a. 1 hundred bits per second
b. 1 thousand bits per second
c. 1 million bits per second
d. 1 billion bits per second
e. None of these
Ans (d)
Q. The transmission of data from a local computer to a remote computer is
called ____.
a. upload
b. download
c. broadband
d. bandwidth
e. None of these
Ans (a)
Nitesh Kumar Singh - Find me on Bloggers.com